Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza
Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas, Químicas y Naturales de Zaragoza

Manuel Ricardo Ibarra García - Académico de Número 20

Professor M. Ricardo Ibarra has been developing his academic and research activity as Full professor at the University of Zaragoza since 1995. He was head of Condensed Matter Physic Department (1993-2000), commissioned for the foundation of the Institute of Nanoscience of Aragon (INA) in 2000, and Director since its foundation in 2003. Furthermore, he is Director of the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (LMA) since 2007. Director of the Institute of Nanoscience Fundation since 2015 and President of the recently integrated National Singular Infrastructure (ICTS) on Electron Microscopy (ELECMI). He has been selected as Member of many Advisory Committee Boards. He is head of the Magnetism Section of the European Physical Society since 2000, and he was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa by the AGH University (Krakow - Poland) in 2008. He has been key promoter in the creation of three technological companies, being currently scientific advisor: NanoScale Biomagnetics, Nanoimmunotech and Graphene Nanotech. His research has been developed in magnetism and magnetic materials. Along the past few years, his research activity is focused on the magnetic, superconducting and thermoelectric properties of nanostructured materials and the application of nanotechnology in biomedicine.

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